Biomass News

The latest articles from Treco about everything biomass from the Renewable Heat Incentive and biomass boilers to district heating, drying system and waste-to-energy (WtE).

Biomass to be included on Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund

Phase 2 applications from the 7th of April 2021

The Government will include biomass in the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme’s second phase. There were also concerns that Phase 1 was not sufficiently focused on heat decarbonisation. The second phase – which will have £75 million of grant funding –…

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We are pleased to announce that as it stands today, Treco are open and continue to service and maintain our customers boilers. This is something we will continue to undertake, unless instructed not to do so by the Government or…

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Tackling climate change

Top 10 tips to reduce carbon footprint

A recent article on the BBC website says a paper is soon to published in the Environmental Research Letters, that puts switching to renewable based heating in the top 10 list of things we can do to reduce our carbon…

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The simple and straightforward answer, is that Treco can. Along with servicing and maintaining systems that we installed, we are having an ever increasing number of people come to us that had installations done by others but want us to…

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If you own a biomass boiler, then it is important to have it serviced regularly for a number of reasons. First and foremost it help maintains the boilers performance, reliability and longevity. This ultimately translates to reduced running costs for…

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Biomass boiler projects

Planning for fuel

Fuel considerations for biomass boilers are paramount and require careful consideration before a particular type of boiler is selected. Today we will look at some of the most important considerations. The fuel type, and delivery, storage and handling arrangements can…

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Biomass boiler problems

..... and how to fix them

Like any bit of machinery a biomass boiler can have issues, not operate correctly and even breakdown. Over the past 15 years and 800 installs, we have come across a number of issues and have learnt many valuable lessons along…

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